5. Data Leadership & Governance


A 2018 Connecticut law formalized the position of Chief Data Officer within the Office of Policy and Management and created the Connecticut Data Analysis Technology Advisory Board. The law required each state agency to designate an agency data officer to manage high-value data sets and coordinate data-related activities with the state Chief Data Officer. The Chief Data Officer, along with individual agency data officers, is required to biannually update the state data plan, which covers open data and creates data standards for agencies

The Office of Policy and Management Data and Policy Analytics unit is responsible for the development and implementation of the State Data Plan, the State’s Open Data Portal, and P20 WIN, the state’s integrated data system, and development of the state GIS Office. The unit serves as a resource for data analysis and data-related projects at the Office of Policy and Management and directs and manages activities related to the collection, analysis, sharing, coordination, and dissemination of data.

In 2021, Connecticut legislation established a GIS Office and the position of Geographic Information Officer (GIO) within the Office of Policy and Management. In addition, other legislation expanded the vision and purpose for the state longitudinal data system, P20 WIN, to include education, workforce, and supportive services in conjunction with new enterprise legal agreements.