The North Carolina Government Data Analytics Center (GDAC) operates as a division of the state’s department of information technology, which works to transform data into information that facilitates decision support, increases operational efficiencies, and improves outcomes for the citizens of North Carolina by integrating and sharing data assets. GDAC has deployed a statewide Enterprise Entity Resolution (pp. 24-27) infrastructure and processes that were developed to match entities or cluster individual record data across disparate data sources to a common entity (i.e., single person, single business). As such, the platform enabled extensive records matching that improved the state’s public health response to COVID-19 and analysis of identity theft associated with unemployment benefit recipients.
The North Carolina Early Childhood Integrated Data System (NC ECIDS) is a single source for integrated early childhood data for selected education, health, and social services programs to help answer key policy and program questions. NC ECIDS integrates data from subsidized child care, NC Pre-K, Food and Nutrition Services, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, IDEA Part C, and IDEA Part B-619 to produce reports and fulfill research requests that support state priorities for young children and families. Using recently awarded Preschool Development Grant funding, NC ECIDS plans to expand its reporting and research request infrastructure and to add data from new programs to its system. NC ECIDS is also participating in state efforts to build a statewide longitudinal data system to link early childhood, education, and workforce data together.
The North Carolina Office of State Budget and Management operates Log Into North Carolina (LINC), an interactive data retrieval service containing over 900 data items for a variety of geographic areas within North Carolina. Topics include: population and housing, education, transportation, vital statistics and health, and more. LINC also includes a subdomain for the State Demographer platform, which houses the latest data produced by the North Carolina Demographer.